Hamburg Summer School for Social Research 2023
Hamburg, 05. – 10. June 2023
The Hamburg Summer School for Social Research, jointly organized by the Hamburg Institute for Social Research (HIS) and the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius, sets out to critically examine the diagnosis of a current crisis of European integration and democracy, discussing current developments as well as processes of Europeanization since the end of the Second World War, thereby also looking beyond institutional processes at forms of protest and participatory democracy »from below«. The five-day event brings together PhD candidates, postdocs and senior scholars from across Europe. It invites participants from the social and historical sciences, social anthropology as well as economics and law, with an interest in past and present European crises as well as an interest in different regions of Europe. We aim to create a space for researchers to engage in intense debates with colleagues as well as political activists and journalists, combining workshop-sessions on participants’ research projects with group discussions, field trips, and keynote lectures on historical and contemporary European (dis-)integration and democratic struggles, presented, inter alia, by Donatella della Porta, James Ellison, Andrea Pirro, Wolfram Kaiser, Wolfgang Knöbl, Shalini Randeria and Laura Wolters.
Requirements and how to apply:
The summer school invites applications from Ph.D. students and recent postdocs. Applicants are expected to prepare for and actively participate in the sessions and give a presentation on a topic related to their academic interest. The organizers can provide support for travel and accommodation for those candidates who do not receive support from their universities.
Please send your application including your cv, statement of interest and presentation proposal (max. 2 pages) to:
Applicants for travel costs funding should add a budget calculation to the submitted documents.
The application deadline is: February 20th, 2023
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Editorial Board (January 5, 2023). Hamburg Summer School for Social Research 2023. (De)Constructing Europe. Retrieved January 21, 2025 from